Logical Feng Shui – Solar Method of the Four Seasons
To apply the ba-guá, Logical Feng Shui utilizes the center of the building (not the front door). Here’s why:
Ba-guá to the Northern Hemisphere
Ba-guá to the Southern Hemisphere
Logical Feng Shui uses the ba-guá adapted to the Southern Hemisphere for harmonization in the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere ba-guá to the Northern Hemisphere.
Since the Sun rises on the horizon, in the East, it is our main reference for guide us: always in the center of our homes or the center of the place we want to harmonize.
In low latitude areas (the equator) and polar regions is necessary to use the compass.
Hours to the Southern Hemisphere:
The sun is at about 6:00 in the morning in the East (Family and Health);
Around 9:00 in the morning in the Northeast (Prosperity);
Noon in the North (Success);
At 15:00 in the Northwest (Relationships);
At 18:00 (hours considered mystical) in the West (Creativity and Children);
Now the sun begins to rise in the Northern Hemisphere and has begun the night for us:
At 21:00 in the Southwest (Friends, Spiritual Protection and Travel);
At 24:00 in the South (Work and Life Mission);
And at 3:00 in the morning is in the South-east (Self-Knowledge and Personal Evolution), when the Earth completes its daily spin around the sun and prepares to turn back day again in the Southern Hemisphere.
And it is this turning of the Earth that causes the time zone, with the local time of the countries in both hemispheres.
For the Southern Hemisphere, at night, is Alpha Crux, the brightest star in the longest axis of the Southern Cross that can guide us: it shows the South Pole.
Everything revolves from one center, one axis: the center of the building of our home is that axis, which receives the eight winds associated with the fundamental trigrams, always with the reference to the center of our home or property you want to harmonize: Thunder, Wind, Fire, Earth, Lake, Heaven, Water and Mountain.
Seasons, trigrams and cardinal directions to the two hemispheres:
Thunder Trigram = Chen = East in both hemispheres = Sunrise = Spring = Family and Health = side of the house that receives the first sunrises in the morning; Correspondence with the Number 3;
Wind Trigram = SUN = Northeast (Southern Hemisphere) and South-east (Northern Hemisphere) = Sun around 9:00 in the morning = Late Spring = Prosperity = side of the house at this time illuminated by the sun; Correspondence with the number 4;
Fire Trigram = North (Southern Hemisphere) and South (Northern Hemisphere) = Sun in the noon = Summer = Success = side of the house that receives the sun at this time; Correspondence with the number 9;
Earth Trigram = K’UN = Northwest (Southern Hemisphere) and South-west (Northern Hemisphere) = Sun around 15:00 = Relationships = illuminated side of the house at this time; Correspondence with the number 2;
Lake Trigram = TUI = West in both hemispheres = sunset = Creativity and Children = side of the house that receives the sunlight at this time; Correspondence with the number 7;
Heaven Trigram = C’HIEN = South-west (Southern Hemisphere) and Northwest (Northern Hemisphere) = Friends and Travel = End of fall = corresponds to 21.00 hours in the day; Correspondence with the number 6;
Water Trigram = K’AN = South (Southern Hemisphere) and North (Northern Hemisphere) = Work = Winter = midnight = side that is pointed to by the brightest star of the Southern Cross, Alpha-Crux; Correspondence with the number 1;
Mountain Trigram = Ken = South-east (Southern Hemisphere) and Northeast (Northern Hemisphere) = Spirituality and Self-Knowledge = Late winter = comes before the sunrise = time of the day 03:00 in the morning;
Correspondence with the number 8.
Logical Feng Shui Ba-guá to the Southern Hemisphere
Logical Feng Shui Ba-guá to the Northern Hemisphere
Read the book (only in portuguese) Feng Shui Lógico, Stela Vecchi, Ícone Editora, 2004

Stela Vecchi
Ícone Editora, 2004
Stela Vecchi
Stela Vecchi is the mentor and disseminator of the new technique called Logical Feng Shui.She is a writer and consultant in Feng Shui.
She is the author of Feng Shui Lógico (Logical Feng Shui) (Ícone Publisher, Sao Paulo, 2004) and give courses about Logical Feng Shui, a technique that promotes happiness because it makes your home harmonious and full of good energy.
She is also the author of No Céu do Hemisfério Sul – Brasil, um Novo Começo (In the Southern Hemisphere Sky – Brazil, a New Start), where she analyzes the Brazilian flag from a new point of view.
At her third book, O Caminho da Sabedoria (The Way of Wisdom), through a history lived at Machu Picchu, Stela makes us reflect on the Love and the true meaning of love relationships in our lives.
See the article: The ba-gua for the Southern Hemisphere
See also the website: www.fengshuilogico.com
Translation: Mary Hatakeyama